
Currencies around the world

Table name: currencies

Description: To deal with money (pricing, payment,...)


use SaasReady\Models\Currency;


Quickly retrieve the Currency instance by using CurrencyCode

use SaasReady\Constants\CurrencyCode;


The CurrencyCode Enum

Contains every CurrencyCode around the world.

use SaasReady\Constants\CurrencyCode;

Response Entity

type Currency = {
    uuid: string;
    code: string;
    name: string;
    symbol: string;
    decimal_separator: string;
    thousands_separator: string;
    space_after_symbol: boolean;
    is_active: boolean; // v1.0.1
    created_at: string;
    updated_at: string;
    activated_at: string; // v1.0.1


[GET] saas/currencies

Get a list of Currencies

Request payload:

    limit: int; // optional, if this limit is null or not exists, will return ALL
    page: int; 

Response payload:

    data: Currency[],

[GET] saas/currencies/{currencyUuid}

Get single Currency

Response payload:

    data: Currency,

[POST] saas/currencies

Create a new Currency

Request payload:

    code: string;
    name: string;
    symbol: string;
    decimal_separator: string;
    thousands_separator: string;
    space_after_symbol: boolean;
    is_active: boolean; // v1.0.1+

Response payload:

    uuid: string,

[PUT] saas/currencies/{currencyUuid}

Update an existing Currency

Request payload:

    code: string;
    name: string;
    symbol: string;
    decimal_separator: string;
    thousands_separator: string;
    space_after_symbol: boolean;
    is_active: boolean;  // v1.0.1+

Response payload:

    uuid: string,

[DELETE] saas/currencies/{currencyUuid}

Delete an existing Currency (soft)

Response payload:


Helper Commands

Activate a Currency (v1.0.1+)

php artisan saas-ready:activate-entity currency {currencyCode}

php artisan saas-ready:activate-entity currency USD

Deactivate a Currency (v1.0.1+)

php artisan saas-ready:deactivate-entity currency {currencyCode}

php artisan saas-ready:deactivate-entity currency VND

Last updated